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The Chronic Employment Data Conflict: Establishment Versus Household Surveys
Article By: Doug Short
Monday, March 10, 2014 1:11 PM EDT
Friday's employment report again highlights an ongoing conflict between the jobs number in the Establishment Survey versus the roughly comparable data in the Household Survey.
January 2014 Consumer Credit: Credit Card Use Up
Article By: Steven Hansen
Monday, March 10, 2014 12:30 PM EDT
Econintersect analysis is that total consumer credit growth decelerated 0.1% month-over-month, and the year-over-year growth is 5.9%. The seasonally adjusted consumer credit headlines are showing a growth of 5.25%.
Ukraine, A Geopolitical Choke Point
Article By: Charles Hugh Smith
Monday, March 10, 2014 12:04 PM EDT
Rather than attempt to reduce a very complex system to a cartoonish "explanation" of events, we would be better served by seeking out the geopolitical linchpins.
S&P Retraces Half "Putin-Press-Conference" Gains
Article By: Tyler Durden
Monday, March 10, 2014 11:58 AM EDT
AUDJPY (and therefore US equities) is sliding this morning after the ubiquitous pre-open melt-up providing a green open for retail investors to believe in. Notably, from the close before Putin's press conference, the Nasdaq is underperforming all major indices (and Trannies soaring) but this morning has seen almost one-way traffic since the open.
Gold Is Seasonal: When Is The Best Month To Buy?
Article By: Casey Research
Monday, March 10, 2014 11:38 AM EDT
Many investors, especially those new to precious metals, don't know that gold is seasonal. For a variety of reasons, notably including the wedding season in India, the price of gold fluctuates in fairly consistent ways over the course of the year
In this article: GDX, GDXJ, GLD, SLV
This Could Be The Future For Uranium
Article By: OilPrice
Monday, March 10, 2014 11:30 AM EDT
The uranium mining business has some unique global challenges. Namely, that the industry cost curve is much more warped than for any other metal.
In this article: ABX, BHP, URA
The Full-Time/Part-Time Employment Ratio Shows A Small Improvement
Article By: Doug Short
Monday, March 10, 2014 11:25 AM EDT
Let's take a close look at Friday's employment report numbers on Full and Part-Time Employment. Buried near the bottom of Table A-9 of the government's Employment Situation Summary are the numbers for Full- and Part-Time Workers, with 35-or-more hours as the arbitrary divide between the two categories.
Baupost’s Seth Klarman Warns Of Asset Bubble
Article By: Larry Doyle
Monday, March 10, 2014 11:19 AM EDT
More often than not, I take the wisdom provided by selected talking heads and industry insiders with a pound of salt.
In this article: NFLX, TSLA
February 2014 Conference Board Employment Index Strengthens But Decelerates
Article By: Steven Hansen
Monday, March 10, 2014 11:11 AM EDT
The Conference Board’s Employment Trends Index for February 2014 – which forecasts employment for the next 6 months – strengthened. What the author’s of this index are not telling you is that the growth rate of this index is decelerating
To Celebrate The Bull Market Anniversary, Sbarro Files Second Bankruptcy In Three Years
Article By: Tyler Durden
Monday, March 10, 2014 11:04 AM EDT
People apparently don't eat pizza when it is snowing... Or during an economic recovery... And certainly not when celebrating the market's all time high 5 year bull "market" anniversary.
Banks Shedding Asset Management Businesses
Article By: Sober Look
Monday, March 10, 2014 10:54 AM EDT
Here is a chart showing the number of transactions that involve acquisitions of an asset management business by year. It tells us about a couple of trends developing in recent years.
In this article: LYG, DB, JPM, CS
Manic Monday – Nowhere To Go But Up?
Article By: Phil Davis
Monday, March 10, 2014 10:45 AM EDT
There's a Global currency-manipulation scandal, China had an alarming drop in exports, a decline in manufacturing and expanding inflation, Japan's GDP has been revised down, Global debt has passed $100,000,000,000,000, and an airplane is "missing"...
In this article: NFLX, TSLA
‘Taper Pace May Be Too Slow’ –Plosser
Article By: Gary Tanashian
Monday, March 10, 2014 10:34 AM EDT
Especially since they are not actually withdrawing policy. All tapering does is provide implied profit margin for banks and lenders, considering Fed Funds are held near 0% and the implied spread to longer term lending rates.
More Bad News From Japan
Article By: John Lounsbury
Monday, March 10, 2014 10:29 AM EDT
Econintersect: Japan continues to produce disappointing economic numbers. The fourth quarter (2013) GDP estimate has been revised down to 0.7% annualized from the previous 1.0%.
Sector Detector: SectorCast Rankings Take A Neutral Slant As Market Hits New
Article By: Sabrient Systems
Monday, March 10, 2014 10:23 AM EDT
After a requisite knee-jerk selloff, stock market bulls shook off Russia’s military action in Ukraine and Crimea as just another buying opportunity. Even adding the Russian Bear to their arsenal couldn’t give bears the upper hand for long.
Overnight Carry-Driven Futures Ramp Pushes Stocks Just Shy Of New Record
Article By: Tyler Durden
Monday, March 10, 2014 8:59 AM EDT
Just when it seemed that the ever deteriorating situation in the Crimean, the unexpected plunge in Chinese exports which has sent the Yuan reeling again, the Copper slam which is down some 10% in two days, and the outright collapse in Japan's capital flows, not to mention the worst GDP print...
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