Trump In 2024 - Comments

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America The Great-Part 2
1 year ago

Couldn't find a nicer way to end that article huh? We'll I'll say the same back at you!

There Is Nothing Progressive About A Democrat
1 year ago

Oh please, he didn't kill anywhere near that many people. How could one person kill millions? That's just a lie spread by the Jews to get sympathy and so they can have an excuse to get away with whatever they want.

And as for me, yes I am a white male that support Trump and am proud of it. You are a woman so I don't expect you to have the brain capacity to understand why that makes me better.  But God put us on this planet and made all else subservient to us.  Don't like it? To bad.

You see, and most people think the same way I do. Just before Trump we were afraid to say it outloud because we'd be cancelling. Society, controlled by dems, and big tech, they are not open to alterantive ideas, no matter how true.  They don't like hearing how they are inferior. So they silence those who admit the truth. But Trump showed us we don't have to be afraid.  That there ae far more of us than any of us realized, and together we are strong and can resahpe America.

And we will make sure Trump takes the White House again, this time for good. And if the FBI tries to stop him, they better watch out.  Back in 2020, he told us from the debate stage to stand by and be ready.. And we are.

There Is Nothing Progressive About A Democrat
1 year ago

How do you know the Jews don't have some sort of laser system in space? Israel is very technologically advanced and used it to strengthen their colonial ambitions of taking over the Middle East, and eventually the world. I wouldn't be surprised if they were causing a bit of trouble, for some sort of long-game agenda.  Biden blames it on "Climate Change," but that's a hoax.

There Is Nothing Progressive About A Democrat
1 year ago

Hitler was misunderstood, he's not such a bad guy. I mean yeah he killed some people, but so did Stalin, and a bunch of other leaders. And Jews were far from innocent. They were the cause of all of Germany's woes. Hitler first wanted them to simply leave, but no other country wanted them either (can you blame them)?

Trump gets that too. Sure he'll use the Jews for their riches to fill his war chest. But when the time is right, he'll make it clear where they stand in the hierarchy of things. Trump recognizes that America needs more of the good aspects that Nazi Germany had.  American needs to have more of the good aspect that Hitler showed. Hitler took a depressed, broken country, similar to how we are today, and he made Germany great again.  He united the country towards a common goal. gave them pride, made them the envy of the world and built an empire that could have lastest a thousand years, had he not taken on America.
No Jews would have died if other countries had taken them in. That was his initial plan.

Trump understands that we need to be more like them.  He even cursed out our own generals and told them they need to be more like the Nazi Generals from WW2.  Those guys had balls. Ours are always afraid of optics and bad PR. They are afraid to do what needs to be doing.  They should have marched on the Capital on January 6th and if they did, Trump would still be our president.

There Is Nothing Progressive About A Democrat
1 year ago

Don't listen to them all Timmy. You are my man!  Trump is the greatest thing since Jesus.  He will win in 2024, like he did in 2020 and 2016.  Then he'll dismantle the FBI and DOJ and outlaw the Democratic party to make sure no one can stop him from doing what needs to be done to make American great again.  And we'll get rid of the outdated term limits to make sure he'll stay our president well into his hundreds.

When he's too old to continue, he'll appoint one of his children, or his hand picked VP (I recommend DeSantis - the traitor Pence will be hanging from the Capital Building, so no need to consider him) to continue his God given work.

And you are right about the Dems. They are satan's spawn. They worship him and serve him with their pedophilia. Hitler should have made room in the ovens for the Dems along with the blacks and the Jews. Then we could have been rid of them all. 


SurgePays Will Surge Ahead As Subscribers Flock To The Company
1 year ago

Nice find.  What other stocks do you recommend?

In this article: SURG
America Does Not Have A President
1 year ago

Mr. Naegele, is that true?  And what's your take on the FBI raid?

America Does Not Have A President
1 year ago

Actually, for the first time in 2 years, Sleepy Joe has actually starting racking up win after win.  If this trend continues, we might have some actual trouble come 2024.

Life, Liberty, And The Pursuit Of Happiness
1 year ago

Not according to our religion.  The baby must take precedence. Otherwise its soul will not be baptised.

Even A Better Idea
1 year ago

Here is why Trump will win, no matter who runs agains thim in 2024:

"More than 1 million voters switch to GOP in warning for Dems"

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