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Investment Consultant
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Roger Nusbaum brings 30 years of investment industry experience into his newest role as ETF Strategist at AdvisorShares. For many years the Random Roger blog has focused on portfolio construction, behavioral finance, the need for innovative retirement solutions and ETF thought leadership related ...more

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NASCAR, Firefighting & Investing
After 74 months of bull market, simply selling out based on some defensive trigger point may not be ideal in a taxable account.
Social Security & Portfolio Withdrawals; It’s Complicated
By taking Social Security early you are presumably taking less from your portfolio thus giving more of the portfolio the opportunity to grow.
AdvisorShares Active ETF Market Share Update – Week Ending 4/10/2015
The activity last week was enough to move the category market share numbers slightly with WBI’s share growing by 99 basis points to 7.20% and Tactical’s share increasing by 104 basis points to 7. 79%.
Barron’s Recap
There is a behavioral component to allocating to alternatives, which is that people have little to no use for alternatives when the market is rallying and then talk about putting too much into them after a market decline.
Is A Lost Decade For Performance Coming?
Instead of trying to deny the possibility/expectation of low returns for an extended period it makes more sense to game plan for the possibility.
Asset Allocation: The Active Passive Debate Evolves By Necessity
Cullen Roche has an interesting idea about the definition of true passive management which is that any portfolio that does not own the asset classes in the weightings of the issues outstanding is in fact an active portfolio...
Great Advice From Bill Bernstein
Bill Bernstein had a couple of great nuggets that are useful for any type of investor and helpful for advisors’ communication with their clients.
Understanding Deflation, Negative Yields And Gold
This month the European Central Bank is due to commence its asset purchase program to tune of €60 billion per month for the next 18 months.
The Benefits Of Tiny Withdrawal Rates
Living below your means is likely to result in saving more money but more than that it can become the difference in how successful whatever your definition of retirement will be.
Hedge Funds On The Comeback?
Most of the time equities go higher and so you probably don’t want to stray too far from an equity allocation… most of the time, but a little exposure to diversifiers does make sense when the market is going higher because there is no way to when the market will turn.
Loan Fund Primer
The Riksbank (the Swedish central bank) dropped its benchmark interest rate to -0.10 and as of earlier this week Sweden’s ten year sovereign debt was yielding 0.50%.
Retirement Realities And Contingencies
35% of the people who retired in 2014 were 60 or younger and that 32% were between 60 and 64. This compares with 9% younger than 60 and 18% between 60 and 64 who expected to retire at those ages.
The Benefits Of Proper Risk Budgeting
When you’ve won the game, stop playing. So, retirement nest-egg-wise, what constitutes “winning”? Simple: You’ve won when you’ve acquired enough assets to provide your basic living expenses for the rest of your life.
11 Investing And Personal Finance Hacks
You’ve probably seen one or two of the listy articles about life hacks which are little tricks that can make the day to day routine a little easier.
Barron’s Makes The Case For Active Management
I believe in active management which can include using passive funds in an active manner. This can apply to sector funds or narrower fund targeting some niche or industry.
How Can The Bond Bull Keep Going?
As a reminder there is a general rule of thumb that a ten year bond will drop 8% in price for every 1% increase in interest rates.
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