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What Is Going On With CVS Stock?
Only a few short years ago, CVS stock was a behemoth. The company could do no wrong and the stock price only went up. Even when CVS decided to stop selling cigarettes, a main revenue source, the stock flourished.
Digital Currencies Are On The Rise In 2017
Digital currencies are becoming more valuable this year. The cost of the widely used Bitcoin in U.S. dollars has grown by 560% since a year ago. Bitcoin is becoming more and more talked about in the mainstream.
Alan Greenspan Predicts Imminent Bond Market Collapse
Alan Greenspan, former chairman of the Federal Reserve, has been making headlines after suggesting that government bonds may be a bubble about to burst.
5 Great Stocks With Steady Dividends
These stocks are for investors who want their investments to work for them while they go and play.
How To Stay Afloat During Difficult Financial Times
If you have a few late payments reported to the credit bureaus, chances are that your credit score is less than desirable to a traditional lender. Luckily, there are other types of loans that you can acquire.
Groupon Is On The Rise. Is It Worth Buying?
GRPN posted lower revenue at Q2 earnings than at any other point in the stock’s 6-year history ($662.62 million down from $934.89 million just two quarters prior).
How Silver Can Pay You Dividends
Silver straddles the line between a precious metal and an expensive industrial commodity. Silver tends to be more volatile than gold, and in the past few months, the price of silver has declined substantially.
Blackrock Still Has A Large Runway Of Growth
BlackRock has a hosted operating system called Aladdin that company management expects will provide a bigger chunk of revenue over the next few years. Right now, only 6% of their revenue comes from technology and risk management.
Are Index Funds Wrecking Capitalism? Paul Singer Thinks So
Passive investing is all the rage, with more than $500 billion flooding into companies like Vanguard and Blackrock, but hedge fund manager Paul Singer is one of the most vocal opponents to this form of investment.
The Fiduciary Rule And Why It Is Important
The efforts of the Trump administration to water-down the fiduciary rule legislation is a direct attempt to ensure that the interests of the average American is secondary to the interests of financial advisors.
Dow Jones Reaches 22,000 Points – Here’s What It Could Mean
If Congress can avoid hitting the debt ceiling and there’s no panic in Europe then it seems U.S. stocks should continue to climb based on stronger company financials. Otherwise, a small pullback would likely happen.
3 Data Storage Companies To Keep Your Investment Safe
It’s amazing how technology changes things. There are many data storage companies out there to invest in.
Todd Gordon Is Betting Tesla Stock Will Drop. Should You Sell Now?
I see many positives and possibilities for the future for Tesla stock. So here are some reasons why long term, I am bullish on the stock.
Can Philip Morris Stay Strong Through FDA Cigarette Crunch?
The latest major development in the battle against Big Tobacco is that the FDA has announced that it will consider limiting nicotine content in cigarettes to levels that will not cause addiction. How does this affect tobacco giant Philip Morris?
Amazon Stock Falls After Disappointing Quarterly Results
Amazon may not be a very profitable company yet, compared to other technology giants. But many investors are long Amazon stocks because they like the top-line growth, expanding market share, and innovation.
The Safest Banks To Invest In
Investing in the safest banks has historically been very lucrative.
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