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Blogger, Owner of Bankers Anonymous
Contributor's Links: Bankers Anonymous
My name is Michael Taylor. I founded Bankers Anonymous because, as a recovering banker, I believe that the gap between the financial world as I know it and the public discourse about finance is more than just a problem for a family trying to balance their checkbook, or politicians trying to score ...more

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Book Review: The Automatic Millionaire By David Bach
A few weeks back I sent out a proposal to few prospective agents, expecting at least one would recognize the genius – and their own self-interested business opportunity – in my personal finance book proposal.
They’re BAAAAACK: The CIT Takeover Of OneWest Bank
The casual reader of financial headlines will neither recognize nor care about this acquisition by a middle-market business lender (CIT Group) of a California retail branch banking institution (OneWest).
Don’t Buy Too Much Insurance!
People typically purchase insurance either because it is obligated by law (e.g. car insurance) or for peace of mind (e.g. home owner's insurance). But more insurance is not always better. The intricacies of insurance demystified...
Batman Strikes – Some Thoughts On Short Sellers
In the bad old days of the 2008 Crisis, a casual reader of the financial news might have been fooled into thinking that “short-sellers,” those financial firms that bet on the price of some financial instrument (like a stock, or bond, or currency, or commodity) going down, rather than up...
On Longevity Insurance – Do You Feel Lucky?
For starters, I hate most insurance products that purport to replace investment products. But I had not heard of longevity insurance until this week, so I decided to check it out.
The Katsuyama Revolution Continues
The Wall Street Journal carries an update this morning on the main protagonist of Michael Lewis’ recent book Flash Boys, Brad Katsuyama and his newly launched exchange known as the Investor’s Exchange (IEX).
When Business Theories Go Bad
I’m a fan of New Yorker staff writer Jill Lepore, whose previous article on the History of Debt in the US was totally fascinating.
Book Review: Flash Boys By Michael Lewis
Michael Lewis wrote Flash Boys to alert the non-finance world about the scourge of high frequency traders front-running investors and fracturing traditional capital markets. Here’s my beginning list of further questions to explore and answer after reading Flash Boys.
Book Review: All The Math You Need To Get Rich
I learned from my wife the concept of the “feedback sandwich,” by which she means if you want to give someone an important piece of critical advice, it’s often most strategic to cushion the blow with a compliment to start, and a compliment to finish, with the criticism nestled in between.
Rapunzel And Compound Interest
“Can I show you how to spin ordinary straw into gold, so you can be very rich 50 years from now?"
Cash Transfers And Inequality
Markets work great, if the goal is to maximize total output; encourage innovation; reward maximum effort; reward talent; and use resources most efficiently.
Book Review: Inside The Black Box
I read Rishi Narang’s Inside the Black Box as a kind of primer on quantitative trading, in advance of reading Michael Lewis’ Flash Boys. Narang provides a simplified ‘how to understand’ or ‘how to evaluate’ quantitative trading firms.
Square’s Small Business Lending – Innovative?
The credit card processing company Square claims to use credit card receipts data to prompt it to advance money – within as quickly as 24 hours from the request – to existing small business customers, even before they ask.
Some Terrible Financial Advice: The “Emergency Fund”
“The Emergency Fund,” the grown-ups tell us consists of 3 to 6 months of wages, socked away in a safe CD or savings account at the bank, untouched by regular expenses.
The Simplest Investment Approach, Ever
You probably can’t outperform the market – here is how you should invest once you accept that
An Interesting Investment Paper
The investment firm GMO consistently produces some of the most thoughtful investment material anywhere, and this paper from late last year delivers the goods.
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