Axel Merk | TalkMarkets | Page 4
President & CIO at Merk Investments
Axel Merk is the President and Chief Investment Officer of Merk Investments, manager of the Merk Funds. Follow @AxelMerk on Twitter. Subscribe to Merk Insights for free at more

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Investment Advice For My Children & Grandchildren
The beauty of one’s personal earnings power is that one can control it far better than an investment one buys with the push of a button.
What's Next For The Dollar, Stocks, Bonds?
The Fed’s “balance sheet reduction” may have profound implications for the dollar, gold, stocks and bonds.
Ultra-Low Volatility, This Time Is Different
When central bankers "taper" their purchases, odds are that volatility comes back as taper tantrums have shown. The same should be the case when the Fed raises interest rates or "normalizes" its balance sheet.
Invest In Yourself
Most of us invest because we pursue long-term goal. This long-term goal tends to be saving for retirement; for those who can, it might extend to save for a future generation; or, for institutional investors, there might be an investment horizon.
Best Investment Practices
The point is not to suggest that investors need to add equity-linked credit or private equity to their portfolio. No, the point is that there’s more to investing than chasing high flying companies.
What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
This time is different. Stocks will always go up. And pigs can fly. Given that pigs are highly intelligent, don’t bet against them. That said, investors might want to take at least the first two statements with a grain of salt.
What’s Next For The Dollar, Gold And Stocks?
Two rate hikes since last year have weakened the dollar. Why is that, and what’s ahead for the dollar, currencies & gold? And while we are at it, we’ll chime in on what may be in store for the stock market.
Fake Risk, Fake Return?
There are many ways one can weather the storm that may lie ahead in the markets. However, what may have been one of the more profitable approaches in recent years, namely to invest and forget, might be hazardous to your wealth in what’s ahead.
Tweetonomics: Implications Of "@realDonaldTrump"
Faced with a Tweeter-in-chief, how are investors to navigate what’s ahead? Is there a strategy behind President Trump’s outbursts; and if so, how shall investors position themselves to protect their portfolios or profit from it?
Gold: What's Next?
After an initial surge in the hours after Donald Trump’s election, the price of gold has been under pressure. To gauge what’s ahead for the yellow metal, we dissect the forces that may be at play.
The End Of Dollar Dominance?
The end of U.S. dollar dominance may be unfolding in front of our eyes. No, we don't think China's ascent is the key threat; instead, key to understanding the U.S. dollar may be to understand the money market fund you might hold.
Failure Of Inflation Targeting?!
Eight years after the outbreak of the financial crisis, central bank chiefs suggest they have saved the world, but have they? We argue central banks have become part of the problem, not the solution.
The Case For Absolute Return
Talk about diversification comes cheap. Actually diversifying one's portfolio is far more difficult.
The Good, Bad & Ugly
Are we better off with "QE", the ultra-accommodative monetary policy pursued by major central banks around the world? Is it "mission accomplished" or are we facing a "ticking time bomb"?
Precisely Wrong On Dollar, Gold?
Since the beginning of the year, the greenback has shown it's not almighty after all; and gold - the barbarous relic as some have called it - may be en vogue again?
Clueless Fed?!
"The Fed doesn't have a clue!" - I allege that not only because the Fed appears to admit as much (more on that in a bit), but also because my own analysis leads to no other conclusion.
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