Tyler Durden | TalkMarkets | Page 1003
Writer at ZeroHedge
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Tyler Durden (pseudonym) is thelead writer at ZeroHedge. Tyler represents the idea that a return to truly efficient markets is a possibility and a necessity. After having experienced the inner workings of capitalism at various asset managers and advisors, Tyler believes that the current model is ...more

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Chart Of The Day - The Hiringless Recovery
many Americans are still struggling to find work and as so many complain, employers are simply not hiring.
Another JPMorgan Banker Dies, 37 Year Old Executive Director Of Program Trading
Ordinarily we would ignore the news of another banker's death - after all these sad events happen all the time - if it wasn't for several contextual aspects of this most recent passage.
Italian Government On Verge Of Collapse (Again)
The growing tensions between Italian Prime Minister Enrico Letta (and his fragile coalition) and Matteo Renzi - the head of parliament's largest (center-left Democratic) party are intensifying this morning.
Another Bitcoin Flash Crash Imminent? Second Major Exchange Follows MtGox In Suspending Withdrawals
Bitcoin plunged another 15% or so from its bounce highs this morning as volatility has picked up dramatically in the virtual currency.
Fed Chair Yellen's First Congressional Testimony - Live Feed
So this morning's "Monetary Policy and the State of the Economy" (Humphrey-Hawkins) hearing should be a somewhat contentious baptism of fire for Janet as the Q&A starts.
Goldman's 5 Key Questions For Janet Yellen
Goldman, unlike the market of the last 3 days, believes that Ms. Yellen is likely to "stick to the script" in her first public remarks since taking over from Bernanke, but they look for additional color on the following issues...
JPMorgan Sued For Crony Justice - Presenting "A Decade Of Illegal Conduct By JP Morgan Chase"
Earlier today, the non-profit organization Better Markets did what so many others have only dreamed of doing - they sued JPMorgan.
As China Orders Its Smaller Banks To Load Up On Cash, Is The Biggest Ever "Unlimited QE" About To Be Unleashed?
Concerns about domestic liquidity are once again rising to the surface following reports that China’s banking regulator ordered some of the nation’s smaller lenders to set aside more funds to avoid a cash shortfall, which as Bloomberg notes, signal rising concern that defaults may climb.
Icahn Folds On Apple Buyback
Around six months after first tweeting his admiration for Apple's cash stockpile and a "large position" in the largest company in the world, it would appear every business media's favorite activist is throwing in his chips.
Bitcoin Flash Crashes, Drops By 80% In Seconds
Bitcoin had its very own "Waddell and Reed" moment, when the price of Bitcoin cratered by over 80% in the span of seconds. This was a result of Mt.Gox discrediting itself, and crackdown in the US and abroad including in Russia where Bitcoin was just declared to be illegal.
What Happened The Last Time The Unemployment Rate Dropped This Much
What happened to the unemployment rate that it dropped so fast that it surprised even Federal Reserve? To get the answer we go back in time to the last the US unemployment rate dropped from roughly 10%, which was in June 1983, to 6.6%, which took place three and half years later...
Google Overtakes Exxon As Second-Biggest US Company
Trinkets and ads trump global energy provision...
4th Financial Services Executive Found Dead; "From Self-Inflicted Nail-Gun Wounds"
The ugly rash of financial services executive suicides appears to have spread once again.
Dutch Bankers "Swear To God" They'll Be Honest From Now On
In an attempt to regain public trust, all Dutch bank employees will take an oath to preserve and improve confidence in the country's financial services industry.
Bitcoin Crashes 25% As Mt.Gox Halts Withdrawals
Mt.Gox, the largest exchange for the online digital currency, was forced to halt withdrawals (but not trading) this morning.
Scandal: Bank Of England Encouraged Currency Manipulation By Banks
At least one central bank has been exposed to not only have known about a criminal activity (that is now costing the jobs of hundreds of traders), but to have urged it on.
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