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ETF & Research Analyst at Zacks Investment Research
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I am an ETF & Research Analyst at Zacks Investment Research.

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5 ETFs Soaring To All-Time Highs This Summer
The U.S. stock market is finally soaking in the summer sun as the major hurdle to the stock market rally has been cleared up.
5 Dividend ETFs For Growth
Concerns over rising interest rates and bond yields have dampened the appeal for the dividend stocks and ETFs for the most part of the year.
Profit With This New Put-Write ETF As Markets Rise
With looming uncertainty and the prospect of the stock market rising higher, ‘Put-Write’ strategy seems to be a gainful investing approach for those seeking higher income from the expected increase in the stock market.
Inside The Crash Of China's ETFs
Stepped-up measures taken by the government lately will soon start to pay off providing a boost to Chinese stocks. Cheap money flows, in contrast to tightening policy in the U.S, will allow Chinese ETFs to resume their impressive ascent.
4 Worst Performing U.S. Equity ETFs So Far In 2015
The U.S. stock market is caught in a bull-bear tug of war this year.
ETFs To Gain & Lose As Greece Crisis Deepens
Though the worsening Greece crisis continues to have a ripple effect on the global markets, a few ETFs will be hit much more badly than the others.
ETF Strategies For The Second Half
While a gradually improving economy and merger mania drove the stocks higher, a strong dollar, uncertain timing of interest rates hike and global growth concerns were the major headwinds for U.S. Stocks. What to do now?
5 American ETFs Enjoying Independence
We have highlighted five star-spangled ETFs with handsome returns of at least 10%: SBIO, RODI, ARKW, RZG, KBWR.
10 Top U.S. Stocks To Keep Up The 1H Winning Streak
Given the increased confidence in the U.S. economy as well as a delayed Fed rate hike, the stock market should continue to surge. Our choice of stocks will also, hopefully, be high fliers with above-market returns in the second half.
3 Top Japan ETFs To Surge Higher In 2H
After a lackluster 2014, Japanese stocks have been on a tear this year buoyed by cheap massive money flows, rising corporate profits, corporate governance improvements and higher exports.
2 Commodity ETFs Surging Double Digits In 1H
After a dreadful 2014, broad commodities have continued to underperform this year too. This is especially true in the backdrop of a strong dollar, lower oil price and weak global fundamentals that have dampened the appeal for these commodities.
5 Stocks Leading XBI Biotech ETF Higher
With an AUM of $2.3 billion and average daily volume of close to a million shares, XBI is extremely liquid and an easily traded fund. It provides equal weight exposure across 106 stocks by tracking the S&P Biotechnology Select Industry Index.
Dow Jones ETF Caught In A Bull 'N' Bear Tug-Of-War
The current stock trading environment has sent Dow Jones industrial Average (DJIA) in a real tussle.
Health Care Provider ETF In Focus On M&A Talks
Given the series of M&A talks in the health insurer corner of the broad health care space, iShares U.S. Healthcare Providers ETF could be worth a look for investors seeking to ride out the surge on the merger wave.
Regional Bank ETFs To Gain From Steepening Yield Curve
After lackluster performances last year regional banks led the financial sector higher for most of the year. This space has been a solid player as a strong dollar and global growth concerns compelled investors to look for U.S. exposure.
Hedge Rising Rates With Floating Rate ETFs
Floating rate notes are investment grade bonds that do not pay a fixed rate to investors but have variable coupon rates that are often tied to an underlying index (such as LIBOR) plus a variable spread depending on the credit risk of the issuers.
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