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A Fresh Look At Investing
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Secular Investor (formerly Sprout Money) offers a fresh look at investing by analyzing secular cycles and sharing a collection of strategic and concrete tips for different types of assets.

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Inflation And Debt Alarm In The UK
On a month-on-month basis, the CPI increased by 0.7% (whereas January was a month with deflation). The current YoY inflation rate based on the CPI is 2.3%.
Did The Fed Hint At Monster Inflation?
Fed board members are practically still confirming ‘money’ is losing its value pretty fast. While the median expected inflation rate is pretty close to 2%, an additional two-step rate hike would still put the ‘real’ interest rate below zero.
Did Super Mario Draghi Lie To The Press?
The European Central Bank did discuss a higher interest rate at the most recent meeting. One of our main theories would be that once the ECB starts to increase the deposit rates, the health of the financial institutions in Europe would improve.
Does Cheap Debt Avoid Countries Going Bankrupt
Cheap debt policy from the European Central Bank has really helped out several European countries to keep the government finances under control. Well, more or less, as several members of the Eurozone are still running huge budget deficits.
Back From Never Gone: Currency Wars
According to the paper; ‘In a world of freely floating currencies, the US dollar would weaken and the Chinese yuan would strengthen because the US runs a large trade deficit with China and the rest of the world.'
Nickel Deficit Imminent
Nickel has been one of the weaker performing metals in the past few years. The price for the base metal which is mainly used in the production of stainless steel has been on a steady decline lately.
What The Jobs Report Didn’t Tell You Last Week
The increased job number is the only positive thing in the jobs report, and there are two other issues that haven’t really been highlighted...two issues that could, and probably will, have an impact on interest rate decisions later this year.
Inflation Is Back – Good News For Gold!
Gold has always been some sort of insurance policy against inflation as it usually is the first (and main) reason why investors want to have exposure to the yellow metal.
Greece Wants Its Lenders To Stop Bullying
Greece still has a few more months as the first large repayment is due in the third quarter. But if the negotiations don’t start soon, the country might very well end up in a new death spiral.
Why Gold Stocks Are About To Rise Fourfold
Gold stocks are experiencing a fierce U-turn, having a blow-out 2016, and a jump-start in 2017. Just like we saw in the period of 2001 – 2002.
2017 Will Be The Year Of Currency Wars – And China Plays An Important Role
The past few years, ‘currency war’ was the ‘talk of the town’, but truth be told, there was no real ‘cold’ trade and currency war. But in 2017, the gloves might come off, as several countries have been warning for ‘expensive currencies’.
How Trump Could Save Deutsche Bank And The European Financial Sector
It’s stunning to see how badly capitalized the European banks are. And obviously, the problems aren’t just situated in the periphery of Southern Europe.
Obama Is Still Blaming Gold-Hoarding Russia
Russia is playing it smart. Most realistic people know a monetary reset is now pretty much inevitable, and even though most eyes have been on China, Russia continues to spend boatloads of US Dollars on purchasing more and more gold.
Is Another European Bail-in Around The Corner?
15 Billion Euro. That’s the magical (and real) number the Italian bank Banca de Monte Paschi has to be worried about. 15 Billion Euro is the approximate amount its customers have withdrawn from their bank accounts since January.
Italian Bank Warns 30 Times For A ‘Bail-In’ If The No Camp Wins The Referendum
Sunday December 4th, Italians will go to the polling stations to vote on a constitutional reform. Most media outlets call it an ‘Italexit vote’, but that’s not really true. Italy will NOT be voting about staying in or leaving the European Union.
How Will China’s Soft-Landing Policy Suffer Under Trump?
It’s very clear that the consumption growth rate in China is slowing down. Perhaps this isn’t a surprise, but it’s practically the start of a vicious circle of lower growth.
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