Ryan McMaken | TalkMarkets | Page 6
Contributor's Links: Mises Institute
Ryan McMaken is the editor of Mises Wire and The Austrian. Ryan has degrees in economics and political science from the University of Colorado, and ...more


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How The Classical Gold Standard Fueled The Rise Of The State
A gold standard of the classical variety would clearly be an improvement over today's status quo.
The Fed Is Hawkish Now? I’ll Believe It When I See It.
The Fed is still thinking the way it has thought for the entirety of the twelve years since 2009 when today’s QE experiment began. The reality for ordinary people has been one of the weakest and slowest recoveries in history.
Inflation Surges Near To A 40-Year High. Wages Aren't Keeping Up
According to new data released Friday by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, price inflation in November rose to the highest level recorded in nearly forty years.
How Governments Seized Control Of Money
In discussions surrounding the world’s monetary systems today, there is usually one thing almost everyone can agree on: that money should be controlled by the organizations we call “states” or “sovereign states”.
Price Inflation Hits A 31-Year High As Janet Yellen Insists It's No Big Deal
October’s rate was up from 5.3 percent in September and remains part of a surge in the index since February 2021 when year-over-year growth was still muted at 1.6 percent.
There’s Nothing Hawkish About The Fed’s New Tapering Plan
As it is now, tapering means only a gradual cutting back of purchases. There is no talk of actually decreasing the size of the Fed’s $8 trillion-plus portfolio.
The Fed's Inflation Is Behind The Supply Chain Mess
It’s money supply inflation that’s causing much of the supply chain's problems. Not the other way around. 
Why The Fed's 2 Percent Inflation Standard Is So Bad
Fed Chairman Jerome Powell is increasingly under fire for his apparently inability to take inflation seriously or admit it may be more than “transitory”.
Why Americans Would Benefit From A Government Default
The Biden administration's rhetoric on the debt ceiling has become nothing short of apocalyptic.
Defaulting On The Debt Is The Moral Thing To Do
The US is in the midst of yet another “debate” over the debt ceiling.
Yes, The US Government Has Defaulted Before
The regime is trying to whip up maximum hysteria or the chances that the US government could default on its debts if the debt ceiling is not raised.
Too Much Inflation? Just Raise The Inflation Target!
The Fed now admits that inflation has again surged, with expectations of an inflation rate exceeding four percent at year’s end. (This is CPI inflation, of course, not the much-larger asset-price inflation which the Fed studiously ignores.)
Corruption At The Fed?
Fed Chairman Jerome Powell has decided the Fed ought to “review” its ethics policies after it was revealed that high-ranking personnel at the Fed were actively trading stocks even as the Fed was busy pulling the levers on monetary policy.
Fears Of Stagflation Loom As Job Growth Stalls
The Fed’s apparent plan to somehow get full employment and then deal with inflation sounds nice, but reality could easily derail the plan.
These Huge Deficits Wouldn't Be Possible Without The Fed's Inflation
With the Federal Reserve’s annual Jackson Hole symposium there’s been much talk about when the central bank might allow interest rates to rise, presumably through the process of “tapering.”
Money Supply Growth Dropped In May To A 15-Month Low
Money supply growth remains near some of the highest levels recorded in past cycles. 
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