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Can The Shale Boom Avoid These Bottlenecks?
Shale companies continue to drill at a frenzied pace, adding rigs and breaking U.S. oil production levels with each passing week. Yet, the oil production is becoming increasingly geographically concentrated.
Why Is The Shale Industry Still Not Profitable?
Drilling is clearly on the rise and U.S. oil production is expected to increase for the foreseeable future. But the lack of profitability remains a significant problem for the shale industry.
Santa Is Putting Christmas On The Blockchain And Saving Billions
Almost 57 percent of the world’s big corporations are considering blockchain technology, with two-thirds of surveyed companies saying that they expect the technology to be integrated by end-2018.
The One Indicator OPEC Must Watch
OPEC ended months of speculation last week when it decided to extend its production cuts through the end of 2018, easing concerns that the limits would be lifted before the oil market was ready.
Meet The World’s Most Powerful Bitcoin Backers
Cryptocurrency may be one of the biggest threats to governments, security and the entire financial system that we’ve ever seen. Banks have figured that out and are bringing cryptocurrency into the fold.
OPEC Will Extend The Cut
There will be an OPEC deal extension—no matter the public tussling between opposing forces in the industry cartel—if the world’s largest oil producers are really determined to end the supply glut.
Can Mali Maintain Its Gold Mining Status?
Mali’s gold exports are falling, new discoveries aren’t enough to make up for the loss of its giant legacy mines, where production is already dead or winding down, and the fate of one of the biggest of them all—Sadiola—now hangs in the balance.
The Next Big Offshore Boom Is About To Happen Here
Offshore oil and gas explorationis still alive and kicking—high production costs and all. The latest demonstration of the viability of deep-water projects, even in the post-2014 oil industry era, comes from none other than Brazil.
Trump’s Solar Tariff Confusion Creates An Opportunity
The solar sector is reeling from confusion, and stock prices are reeling right along with it. The time it has taken investors and traders to wrap their heads around Trump’s industry tariffs.
The $10 Trillion Resource North Korea Can't Tap
North Korea may not have proved petroleum reserves, but it's estimated that the secluded belligerent nation sits on reserves of more than 200 minerals—including rare earth minerals—worth an estimated up to US$10 trillion.
Biotech Breakthrough Could Save Millions Of Lives And Billions Of Dollars (SPONSORED POST)
When a biotech company offers a potential solution to help prevent the second-leading cause of death in the world--and then releases positive preliminary clinical trial results, investors listen.
How EIA Guesstimates Keep Oil Prices Subdued
The EIA has once again undercut its previous estimates for U.S. oil production, offering further evidence that the U.S. shale industry is not producing as much as everyone thinks.
The Death Of Cash – New Tech To Revolutionize The Payments Industry (SPONSORED POST)
The world has had enough of paper money. Now that consumers are done with physical wallets, the multi-billion-dollar mobile pay app market is minting new digital barons at breakneck speed.
The Next Oil Price Spike May Cripple The Industry
How it is possible for the price of oil to go both up and not up, and what would that mean for the oil industry?
Tech Guru Unveils New Battery To Challenge Lithium-Ion
The rise of electric vehicles and the quest to find solutions to energy storage for the renewables industry have created a breeding ground for tech experts to develop battery technologies.
This Oil Price Rally Has Reached Its Limit
Oil traders are much more optimistic than they were just a month ago, and the market is on the upswing. However, the rally could run out of steam in the not-so-distant future.
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