Martin Hutchinson | TalkMarkets | Page 5
Columnist at The Bear's Lair
Martin O. Hutchinson is an investment banker with more than 25 years’ experience, Hutchinson has worked on both Wall Street and Fleet Street and is a leading expert on the international financial markets. At Creditanstalt-Bankverein, Hutchinson was a Senior Vice President in charge of the ...more

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We Might As Well Be Serfs
The Federal government’s rental evictions moratorium has now been extended until March 31, and there is every prospect it will be extended further.
Back The Bros Against The Hedgies
“Bros” connecting through the social media forum “WallStreetBets” last week staged a massive rally in the shares of GameStop (NYSE:GME) causing huge losses to a hedge fund that had shorted the stock.
Economic Icons The Boomers Broke
Two hundred years ago, sound economic principles were understood by very few people indeed, but those people were running both Britain and the United States.
The Costs And Pluses Of Bidenomics
President Joe Biden’s economic program is becoming fairly clear and as expected it imposes severe costs on the U.S. economy.
Escape From The Zombie Economy
25 years of artificially low-interest rates and easy money will increase the proportion of zombie companies, whose life would otherwise end in bankruptcy.
The Wokenomics Approach To Monetary Policy
Wokenomics’ main problem is that the output possible from the economy is finite; if that economy is close to full employment, every dollar of labor and capital absorbed by the government is a dollar not available to the productive private sector.
Boris Would Have Banned Steam Engines
British prime minister Boris Johnson announced this week that he would make it illegal to sell petrol or diesel-driven automobiles from 2030, pushing the British into a fleet of electric cars.
The Trump Presidential Library Should Be Huge
As President Trump seems likely to leave office in January, the historically minded of us should reflect on his legacy. In the short-term, maybe until 2200, his reputation will doubtless be smeared.
The Economics Of Plague
Boris Johnson’s decision to lock down England again until December 2, is economically and scientifically bizarre.
Philip II’s Lessons For America
For the 244 years of the United States’ independent existence, few would have thought that the country had anything to learn from the ultimate Old World monarchical autocracy, Philip II’s Spain (he ruled 1556-98).
The Emerging Global One-Party State
The “populist” uprisings in the U.S., Britain, and many other Western countries are a natural reaction to globalization’s failings.
The Use And Abuse Of Supreme Courts
Every economic textbook trumpets the need for the rule of law and will tell you that one major reason for many Third World countries’ poverty is their uncertain legal system and bribery-susceptible judges.
Treason Of The Billionaires
This summer has seen a rush of billionaires and their companies donating to left-wing causes, or even giving extraordinary amounts of money to the Joe Biden campaign to defeat President Donald Trump.
The Rapid Dynamism Of Free Markets
The policies that make the economy operate optimally are those that gave Britain the Industrial Revolution. The government must be as small as possible, with a currency whose value is stable from decade to decade.
The Windmill Effect
The windmill syndrome, of an existing technology becoming locked in and preventing further progress, has occurred elsewhere and may be hampering us today.
Are We In 1720?
Pessimists about the current state of the markets question whether we are in a stock market bubble, like 2000 or 1929. They are not thinking broadly enough.
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