Larry Doyle | TalkMarkets | Page 6
Larry Doyle, Owner of Sense on Cents
Sense on Cents, launched in January 2009, looks to deliver an understanding of the economy, markets, and global finance to a wide audience. From people who have little to no understanding of these topics to Wall Street veterans and graduate level professors, Larry looks to deliver ...more


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Geithner: “We Saved The Economy, Lost The Country”
Given the steady stream of platitudes put forth by many past and present political and financial figures in and around Washington, I find myself typically dismissing much of what is said as simply “more of the same.
Wall Street’s Greatest Racket: FINRA’s ‘Meter Maids'
In 2013 the six largest banks on Wall Street generated profits of $76 billion. Last year, Wall Street’s primary self-regulatory organization FINRA imposed fines of $57 million.
Federal Reserve Minutes Reveal “Ignorance”
The recent release of the Federal Reserve's meeting minutes from 2008 has caused the NY Times to call Fed officials ignorant of changing economic conditions.
5 Years Later, ‘TBTF’ Elephant In America Remains
A slew of minutes related to Federal Reserve meetings held during the crisis of 2008 are just now being released. While many of the minutes provide a riveting look of the issues at that time, I found the following to be particularly meaningful.
Danger: Unknown Size, Location Of Financial WMD
If there are hackers in far off countries who can figure out how to penetrate the computer systems of our nation’s banks and retailers.
Raising The Minimum Wage: Not The Answer
Raising the minimum wage is another hot button issue that will serve to incite strong reactions on both ends of the political spectrum but fails to address core structural issues in our nation.
J. Weil: Wall St. Arbitration ‘Plenty Rigged’
Although Bill Cohan, Susan Antilla, Gretchen Morgenson are not the only financial journalists whom I hold in high regard, they are certainly among the very few.
SEC Commissioner Stein: We Must Better Understand FINRA
Who oversees the private, Wall Street funded police detail, aka FINRA, that I have long maintained operates as little more than meter maids?
The Real Employment Situation In America
The most recent employment report released this past Friday showed an increase in non-farm payrolls of only 113k jobs but a continued decline in the overall rate of unemployed to 6.6%. Now, here's the rest of the story.
Better Markets V DOJ In Re: $13 Billion JPM Fine, A Question Of Trust
$13 billion is a lot of money even by Wall Street standards. But is the $13 billion fine imposed on JP Morgan by the Department of Justice an appropriate penalty for the array of transgressions involved?
Hank Paulson Trusts Neither Wall Street Nor Washington
Are those who ‘find religion’ late in life trying to cleanse their souls before making their way to the pearly gates? Or are they more concerned with improving their public image?
The Effect Of The Obamacare Tax
The release of the Congressional Budget Office report yesterday on the effects of Obamacare has not surprisingly set off a firestorm in respective political camps and among their media friends.
Not Surprised By Size But Swiftness Of Market Decline
Without trying to be a Monday morning quarterback, I am not at all surprised by the market’s decline.
Janet Yellen ‘Will Spot Asset Bubbles Before They Burst’; Can She Also Walk On Water And Cure Aging?
Do you ever get incoming e-mails that just leave you scratching your head and thinking “are you kidding me?”
NY Times Exposes Wall Street-Washington Revolving Door
There are very few issues in our nation today that can generate such a uniformly vehement reaction as the practices encompassed within the Wall Street-Washington revolving door.
Mary Schapiro Leaving Promontory Financial Hmmmmmmmmmmm…….
Yes indeed, if only we might give Mary a double dose of truth serum and learn a lot of what she knows about the incestuous activity at the intersection of Wall Street and Washington.
81 to 96 of 116 Posts
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