Jim Mosquera | TalkMarkets | Page 2
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Income Inequality May Resolve Itself
Is government intervention needed to resolve income inequality?
Interview With Uncle Sam (Part II)
The continuation of the interview with Uncle Sam.
Interview With Uncle Sam (Part I)
What would Uncle Sam have to say about the economy and government?
American Business, Prospering Or In Decline
While the official unemployment rate has trended down for the last few years, what is the state of business, particularly small business?
The Golden Ratio
What is the Golden Ratio and how can it be used to project trend changes in the stock market?
Are You A Buy & Hold Investor?
Buy and hold has been a mantra chanted by investment professionals for decades. Are you willing to do it?
Economic Laws
The Sentinel's economic laws will make you look at investing differently
Inflation (Part II)
Deflation is a lack of confidence. Inflation precedes deflation.
Inflation (Part I)
What is inflation and why does it occur?
Toto, We're Not In Kansas Any More
What can the story of the Wizard of Oz tell us about our economic condition?
Financial Bubbles (Part III)
Is the Federal Reserve really "federal" in the sense most understand that word? What are they supposed to do?
Financial Bubbles (Part II)
What can the South Sea Company (SSC) teach us about financial bubbles?
Financial Bubbles (Part I)
Speculative bubbles can get out of control very quickly. Why is it so easy for bubbles to form?
The Face Of Deflation
I recently discussed some of the ways the Fed could brew some inflation. But what does deflation look like, or rather, what is the face of deflation?
17 to 30 of 30 Posts
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