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Independent Trader is a portal that gives an alternative point of view on economic and finance world. It explains the laws governing money, the global economy and true functioning of financial markets. Our articles are written by Trader21, an economist with vast knowledge verified in practice ...more

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Socialism Attack - The Effects Of Banksters' Activities
The last financial crisis lasted roughly 1.5 years. Since March 2009, markets have started to recover substantially.
What's Next For The US Stock Exchanges?
In recent months, the US Stock Market provided real mood swings.
How News Affects Your Investments
The number of publicly available data increases year by year. Every day we are overwhelmed with hundreds of news, some of which have nothing to do with reality.
Have Central Banks Lost Credibility?
The beginning of 2019 supposed to be a period of "normalization" in terms of the central bank activities. However, nothing has changed and in reality, we are still dealing with the persistent currency printing which is often hidden from the citizens.
Did The ECB Really End Up Printing?
The European Central Bank announced recently the end of the currency printing, the so called Quantitative Easing.
Insiders & Buybacks
During the last decade, we have experienced many market manipulations in order to inflate share prices of mostly large companies.
2016 Forecast - Checked!
With 2016 behind us, it is high time to see which of our predictions were on point and which ones were off,
War On Cash Gains Fresh Impetus
Imagine, 86% of all cash in circulation suddenly becomes worthless. This is exactly what happened after 500 and 1000 rupee notes lost their purchasing power.
The World Of Gold Is About To Change
When you look at the price of gold in 2016 you see that the level we have today 1130 USD/oz is only a little bit higher than January’s 1050 USD/oz. Jumping to conclusions we may say that this year was very calm, but the reality is far from it.
The Prophecy Of Ben Bernanke
However surreal the monetary policy all over the world seems it may always get a little more quirky. Ben Bernake's speech from 2002 is the reality of today. There is one more item on his list - will President Trump follow Bernanke's instruction?
Will The Fed Initiate A (Mini) Crisis?
Today’s world is indebted at the scale never seen before, especially when we add debt on all levels – government, corporate and private. Every increase of the interest rate makes debt servicing more expensive.
FANG - Stocks The Street Buys
Since 2015 FANG added 630 billion USD while the rest of S&P 500 added only 45 billion USD. The growth of this index is based on the popularity of a few companies.
How To Conjure Results Better Than Expected?
How is that possible that the positive aura reinforces bull market in the stock market even though FANG are responsible for 90% of growth? Use buzzword "exceeding expectations" and you create an atmosphere of success.
President Trump - What Does It Mean For You?
The result of 8th November is a testament to a mobilisation of the middle-class, quickly shrinking in recent years. The revolt in American society is growing.
Clinton V Trump – The Long Awaited Verdict
2016 Presidential race has to be one of the key events in decades. This election can shape the future of the US but also the whole world. Will Americans allow Donald Trump to drain the swamp or will Clinton be able to continue Obama's policies?
Game Of Central Banks
During the last 40 years, central banks have gained power they previously could only fantasize about. They were given full control over the currency supply and interest rates.
17 to 32 of 37 Posts