Gary Anderson - Comments
Muckraker of the Financial System
The Fed knew about the housing bubble before it burst but lied and said they didn't: Bill HR 1424 to buy bad paper (eventually called TARP) was introduced in March 9, 2007, before there began to be bad commercial paper from private subprime RE loans, in August. I have published on two other ...more
Latest Comments
Asset Prices Are Prices Too
6 years ago

Calling it inflation doesn't make it so unless those who purchase the goods and services get a bigger piece of the pie.

Doug Noland: There Will Be No Way Out When This Market Bubble Bursts
6 years ago

Fear of long term financial instruments seem counterintuitive. People will seek safety in them. This call for rising interest rates seems to be a never ending failure. Where is the proof of this happening in the age of collateral shortages?

Saving The Economy: NGDP Targeting For The People
6 years ago

Well, it would be money dropped to those who would likely spend it, prof. If people saved that would impact the money supply differently so Beckworth's plan could provide an ongoing remedy.

Earnings Growth Accelerates In 2018
6 years ago

So this growth is almost entirely based on looser lending and higher gasoline prices. Whoopie!

In this article: CVX, XOM
The Velocity Of Money Has Been Declining In The U.S., But Don’t Worry About It
6 years ago

Because of IOR reserves are just sitting. Inflation is below normal. Deflationary pressures are not out of the question, right Prof?

The Bitcoin Bubble Explained In 4 Charts
6 years ago

Nice article. Speculation shown by your charts is astonishing.

In this article: BITCOMP
Rating Global Investing
6 years ago

Santander has a certain desperation about its operation. Nice to see talkmarkets expanding its influence with the author's assistence.

Some Abbreviated But Important Thoughts On Housing
6 years ago

This is a very informative article. I think that this will ultimately weaken discretionary income on main street. There is some risk that you can't have everything going up at the same time towards bubble territory. The charts at this article show this. Dr Lambert says labor is weak. Perhaps that will magnify itself once these bubbles take a hit down the road.

Is USA Low Capacity Utilization Low Enough To Prevent Recession?
6 years ago

Yes, QE has certainly failed to bring many back into the work force. It wasn't that good for main street as we look back on it. Powell admitted there is slack in the labor force. That is a pretty big admission considering you seemed to hear only that the labor market was tightening, from the current Fed chairman and her minions.

Is USA Low Capacity Utilization Low Enough To Prevent Recession?
6 years ago

Well, Moon, it isn't classic socialism as business is still private. I suppose we could call it socialism. But there is only so much the Fed can do. I remember that Business Insider's Henry Blodget had the answer, that companies should simply pay better wages. We would not need Fed helicopter money to even out the economy, just a fair wage. Henry pointed out that there needs to be some Henry Ford's out there. The Fed cannot force companies to pay a wage that would ultimately make them more money with more monetary turnover. Money trickles back up, so the Fed and business are both chicken. Put money into the hands of the people. It is a no brainer. Want fewer customers, then automate everything. You will win for awhile, but not for the long term.

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