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Founder & Editor, Insider Trade Reports
Asif Suria is the founder and editor of Insider Trade Reports, a service that provides daily reports on insider activity and rates the top insider purchases and sales using a proprietary model. Asif is a passionate value investor and also writes a free investment newsletter called SINLetter. ...more

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Insider Trading Report Edition 360 - Ronald O. Perelman Adds To His Significant Revlon Stake
Director Ronald O. Perelman acquired 950,000 shares of this beauty care products company, paying $20.40 per share for a total amount of $19.38m.
Insider Weekends – Edition 359 - Insiders Of Two Retail REITs Buy Stock
Insiders bought $106.38 million of stock compared to $318.69 million in the week prior. Selling increased more than tenfold with insiders selling $4.63 billion of stock last week compared to $400.52 million in the week prior.
Insider Trading Report Edition 323: Notable Buys And Sales
Insider buying increased last week with insiders buying $183.37 million of stock compared to $177.89 million in the week prior. Selling decreased with insiders selling $1.66 billion of stock last week compared to $3.01 billion in the week prior.
Insider Weekends - Edition 322
Insider buying increased last week with insiders buying $177.89 million of stock compared to $100.55 million in the week prior. Selling also increased with insiders selling $3.01 billion of stock last week compared to $1.91 billion the week prior.
Insider Weekends - Edition 321
Insider buying increased last week with insiders buying $100.55 million of stock compared to $78.59 million in the week prior. Selling declined with insiders selling $1.91 billion of stock last week compared to $2.12 billion in the week prior.
Insider Trading Report Edition 320: Notable Buys And Sales
Insider buying decreased last week with insiders buying $78.59 million of stock compared to $118.43 million in the week prior. Selling was unchanged with insiders selling $2.12 billion of stock last week compared to $2.12 billion in the week prior.
Insider Weekends – Edition 319
Insider buying increased last week with insiders buying $118.43 million of stock compared to $29.17 million in the week prior. Selling increased with insiders selling $2.12 billion of stock last week compared to $757.96 million in the week prior.
Insider Weekends - Edition 318
Insider buying increased last week with insiders buying $29.17 million of stock compared to $6.38 million in the week prior. Selling increased with insiders selling $757.96 million of stock last week compared to $578.34 million in the week prior.
Insider Weekends - Edition 317
As we enter the thick of earnings season, insider buying decreased significantly last week with insiders buying $6.38 million of stock compared to $44.58 million in the week prior. Selling on the other hand increased.
Insider Weekends - Edition 316
Insider buying decreased last week with insiders buying $44.58 million of stock compared to $53.24 million the week prior. Selling declined sharply with insiders selling $422.31 million of stock last week compared to $984.67 million the week prior.
Insider Weekends - Edition 315
Insider buying decreased by half last week as insiders bought $53.24 million of stock compared to $124.52 million the week prior. Selling increased with insiders selling $984.67 million of stock last week compared to $462.5 million the week prior.
Insider Weekends - Edition 314
Insider buying increased last week with insiders buying $124.52 million of stock compared to $81.74 million in the week prior. Selling decreased with insiders selling $462.5 million of stock last week compared to $1.15 billion in the week prior.
Insider Weekends - Edition 313
Insider buying declined last week with insiders buying $81.74 million of stock compared to $136.88 million in the week prior. Selling also decreased with insiders selling $1.15 billion of stock last week compared to $1.28 billion in the week prior.
Insider Weekends - Edition 312
Insider buying declined last week with insiders buying $136.88 million of stock compared to $150.44 million in the week prior. Selling increased with insiders selling $1.28 billion of stock last week compared to $1.15 billion in the week prior.
Insider Trading Report Edition 311: Notable Buys And Sales
Insider buying increased last week with insiders buying $150.44 million of stock compared to $88.99 million in the week prior. Selling dropped in half with insiders selling $1.15 billion of stock last week compared to $2.28 billion in the week prior.
Insider Trading Report Edition 310: Notable Buys And Sales
Insider buying increased last week with insiders buying $88.99 million of stock compared to $75.93 million in the week prior. Selling increased with insiders selling $2.28 billion of stock last week compared to $2.17 billion in the week prior.
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