Ivan Kitov | TalkMarkets | Page 2
Lead Researcher at Institute for the Geospheres' Dynamics, Russian Academy of Sciences
Contributor's Links: Economics as Classical Mechanics
I am a Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Lead Researcher at the Institute for the Geospheres' Dynamics, Russian Academy of Sciences. Founding member of the Society for the Study of Economic Inequality. Published three monographs in economics and finances: Deterministic mechanics of ...more


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It Is Highly Likely That Real Economic Growth In The US Has Been Overestimated
We discussed the issue with the definition of inflation in the US in many posts. The principal finding was that the CPI and GDP deflator, dGDP, started to deviate in 1979 due to the introduction of a new price inflation definition.
Inertial Economic Growth And The Future Wars
The results of the thorough analysis presented in a series of posts validate the original assumption that the growth rate in the developed counties has been falling according to the inertial growth relationship.
Income Inequality For Households: A Long Biased History Of Gini Ratio. 2021 Revision
Personal income in 2020 does not change much (even increase in Q2 and Q3 against pre-crisis expectations) despite the drop in compensation of employees.
Why Post-Soviet Countries Oriented To West Fail Economically?
The GDPpc is the key parameter to describe the level of economic development in a given country.
Comparison Of Real Economic Growth As Expressed By GDP And GDP Per Capita
There is an obvious difference in the estimates of real economic growth as expressed by real GDP and GDP per capita.
Capital Privatizes Your Wages And Salaries
Personal income in the USA is the key indicator of the money share between labor and capital. The share of personal income related to “compensation of employees” has been decreasing since the 1970's, and lost almost 5% between 2004 and 2012.
The Link Between Unemployment And Real Economic Growth In The UK
Brits are able to retain data quality and integrity.
Economic Data As A Weapon In The Economic War Between Developed Countries. This Is A Shame
Economics is a developing science in both theoretical and experimental (measurement) parts and we understand the necessity of different approaches as an important methodological aspect of the overall progress.
The Link Between Unemployment And Real Economic Growth In Australia
The difference between the CPI and dGDP clearly reveals the definitional breaks in the dGDP estimates.
Validation Of The Modified Okun's Law For Germany
Since 1996, the dGDP curve is above the CPI one and this configuration we interpret as economic super-performance. This effect is likely related to the EU financial rules with the ECB in Frankfurt.
The Modified Okun's Law For France. Model Validation With Rsq=0.98
There are two curves as defined by the CPI and dGDP between 1955 and 2018. Both variables are normalized to their respective values in 1955.
The Modified Okun's Law For Canada. Model Validation
We start with the CPI and GDP deflator difference, which is used to reveal definitional breaks in the dGDP estimates.
We Have Validated Our Model Allowing For An Accurate Prediction Of GDP Growth Using Unemployment Estimates
The intuition behind Okun’s law is very simple. Everybody may feel that the rate of unemployment is likely to rise when real economic growth is very low or negative.
Data Quality Analysis For The Relationship Between Unemployment And Real GDP
The driving forces behind the change in unemployment (rate) in developed economies represent a very important and actual problem for the modern economic theory.
Italy And France Have To Leave The EU Because Of Negative Effects On Their Real Economic Growth
Brexit forces us to think about the future of the EU.
Russia And China Successfully Fight For Own Piece Of The Global Economic Profit
China and Russia are two countries that definitely joined the club of economies with large enough “strength” to participate in the process of division of global economic profit.
17 to 32 of 81 Posts
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