Gary Anderson - Comments
Muckraker of the Financial System
The Fed knew about the housing bubble before it burst but lied and said they didn't: Bill HR 1424 to buy bad paper (eventually called TARP) was introduced in March 9, 2007, before there began to be bad commercial paper from private subprime RE loans, in August. I have published on two other ...more
Latest Comments
The Back Rent Problem Won’t Hurt The Economy
3 years ago

Back rent is one of many problems facing the nation. It does not exist in a vacuum.

The Optionality Of Inventories
3 years ago

Disinflation is a hard mule to move. Seems like there is weakness and strength depending on where you look. Nurse wages are soaring. But whole industries are suffering. The future power of the virus may determine the success or failure of our economy.

We Are Suffering Through The Most Painful Economic Crisis Since The Great Depression Of The 1930s
3 years ago

Very dreadful news. It is mainly the Republicans who are dragging their feet in this pandemic. Even Mitt Romney played down the economic crisis of the pandemic. If Mitt can't see the distress our nation is in trouble.

Small EU Firms Hold Mountain Of Debt, Could Be Next Major Headache For Banks
3 years ago

Credit will have to be extended even further. Small biz going out of business will hurt society in the long run.

2020: The Year Things Started Going Badly Wrong
3 years ago

Population control can go terribly wrong. Genocide is usually the final solution.

2020: The Year Things Started Going Badly Wrong
3 years ago

That transfer of jobs to the US is unlikely. We can hardly make facemasks.

2020: The Year Things Started Going Badly Wrong
3 years ago

We are down to one growth nation. China! Perhaps we shouldn't keep trying to destroy that growth. We need China.

No Sharp Turns From China’s Potential
3 years ago

Compared to the rest of the world, China is booming. It isn't great, but is relatively ok.

Banana Republic
3 years ago

Well, I don't see money as being fake as long as it is backed by bonds as collateral. Also, no music is played when bonds are issued. Also, interest rates are too low anyway.

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