Video content of Ellen Brown | TalkMarkets
President of Public Banking Institute
Ellen Brown is an attorney, president of the Public Banking Institute, and author of twelve books including the best-selling Web of Debt. In The Public Bank Solution, her latest book, she explores successful public banking models historically and globally. Her websites are more


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1 to 12 of 12 Posts
Treasury Takeover?
Ellen Brown and Harley Schlange discuss the major moves happening worldwide with central banks, the dollar, and our own Federal Reserve and Treasury.
Black Money Projects Killing Economy, Banking For The People
Ellen Brown explains how black money projects are making it impossible for the United States to balance it's books and details how our economy could be healthy if that money was returned to the people.
It’s Our Money With Ellen Brown – Viking Economics – Sharing Prosperity
How did Scandinavia become the world leader in successful, equitable economies?
The Public Bank Solution To Government Debt And Budget Shortfalls
From the Banking On Colorado Conference, Denver, January 31, 2015, some of the problems associated with our current banking model and benefits of a public bank solution.
The Confiscation Of Bank Deposits And The Derivative Debt: James Corbett Interviews Ellen Brown On GRTV
Last month’s G20 Summit in Australia came and went without the protests and riots we’ve come to expect at the summit in recent years. But as author and researcher Ellen Brown notes, the real fireworks happened behind closed doors. (Video length 00:23:30)
Ellen Brown:5 Big Banks Will Survive Next Financial Calamity-Everybody Else Bankrupt
When a financial crash does happen, you can forget about getting immediate access to your money. Ellen Brown of The Web of Debt Blog says, “The banks will say, well, we don’t have it.
Fixing The Economy With State Owned Banks
Ellen Hodgson Brown explains the rationale behind state owned banks. Video length 10:00
Video: Up And Down Theater, “Everybody Needs Money!”
Ellen Brown shares this entertaining and humorous video by The Up and Down Theater . The troupe did an original comedy routine for the Santa Fe Public Banking Conference. Video Length 10:16.
“You Know A Politician Or Talking Head Doesn’t ‘get It’ When . . .”
Here is Rudy Avizius’ latest video posted on the Public Banking TV YouTube Channel. Quite clever and clear!
With Greg Hunter On USAWatchDog: Banks Will Take Deposits In The Coming Financial Meltdown, LIBOR Rate Rigging And More
One of the biggest banker frauds on the planet is the rate rigging of the London Interbank Offered Rate, or LIBOR. Hundreds of trillions of dollars’ worth of interest rates are set off of LIBOR globally.
Prosperity For Main Street, Not Wall Street
Another great video from Rudy Avizius and Mike Krauss...
Bail-ins (the Big Disaster Coming), GMO Foods, Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP)
Ellen Brown discusses the "big disaster" that's on it's way. She discusses 'bail-ins' coming where depositors' money will be legally taken.
1 to 12 of 12 Posts