Dennis Miller | TalkMarkets | Page 5
Author, Lecturer, Financial Consultant
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Investing retirement money is totally different from how we invested in the past. You are no longer trying to get rich; your goal is to make your money last for the rest of your life so you can enjoy your golden years. Successful retirement is a ...more


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Whistling Past The Graveyard
The Fed does nothing but say they discussed inflation and may begin tapering in 2023 instead of 2024.
What Retirees Need To Unlearn To Retire Comfortably
When you bought CDs, your intention was to hold them and enjoy their regular income. It’s the same for other income investments like dividend-paying stocks. You buy them because they are providing a safe, regular yield. Your goal is income.
Does Inflation Really Help Debtors?
Inflation helps the borrower – “because the borrower still owes the same amount of money, but now they have more money in their paycheck to pay off the debt.”
Protecting Your Wealth In Tough Times
Since 2008, pundits are screaming – “Inflation is coming!” They are getting louder; do we scoff at the warnings, or take heed?
Inflate Or Die!
Today’s market is a Fed-induced, all-time high bubble, waiting to explode. For over a decade, Congress and the Fed used real and imaginary threats to flood the system with trillions of questionable dollars in stimulus packages.
We The People - Are Getting Screwed!
Enough is enough! It makes no difference what political party is at the helm, our government is foolishly wasting money and putting our country at risk.
Back To The Future Part 2
Being out of debt allows you freedom to address things as they arise, without the worry of having monthly payments hanging over your head.
Back To The Future
The reserve currency is held in significant quantities by central banks/ monetary authorities as part of their foreign exchange reserves. Worldwide demand for dollars has allowed the United States government to borrow at lower costs.
If Not Now – When??
The Fed enables reckless government spending; creating trillions of dollars, backed by nothing but political promises to be paid by future generations. Enough is enough!
How Long Can This House Of Cards Last?
If we constantly borrow and spend more than we earn while debts piled up; our house of cards will eventually collapse.
Inflation, Deflation, Bailouts & Tax Increases! What Should We Expect?
What is happening is unprecedented! Two multi-trillion-dollar bailout packages in less than a year and a third in the works.
Big Brothers Are Fighting For World Domination
The struggle for world domination is never-ending. Governments, with their armies, fight to control not only their population but also the rest of the world. The tools and battle strategies may change, but the goal never does.
How Will Rising Interest Rates Impact Dividend Stocks?
Interest rates are a factor in the pricing of dividend-paying stocks. Common stock prices may rise with inflation, while preferred shares are unlikely to rise much over par value.
The Great Roundup
Demand? Really? If there is such demand for low-interest US debt, why has the Fed’s balance sheet doubled and interest rates tripled in the last year?
Heeding Warning Signs
Hyperinflation is generally defined as prices increasing 50% or more in a single month. You can have terrible, destructive inflation without meeting the hyperinflation standard.
Something Just Doesn’t Feel Right!
Since the 2008 bank bailout, pundits have warned us of pending doom. Since the COVID-19 crisis, the drumbeats are getting louder.
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