Ernie Varitimos | TalkMarkets | Page 1
Chief Evangelist and Educator for PatternCast
Contributor's Links: PatternCast
Ernie has been a technology evangelist for over 30 years working in multiple industries. Over the past decade he has focused on fintech tools and systems for trading.


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How To Trade Bitcoin With Kraken Using Leverage
Covering the basics of trading with Kraken including buying, selling, and closing positions. Also leveraging margins.
PatternCast - Trade Like A Short Order Cook
Learn more about PatternCast trade setups
Thursday's Artificial Intelligence Trade Setups - Equities Forex & Futures
We review the trade setups and the trades executed and closed. All setups generated by our machine learning, pattern recognition system
Bitcoin Death Mask - LIVE Q&A
My views often take an irreverent tone, but are reasoned and logical...always look to engage in creative and constructive conflict, because that's what trust is built upon.
The Apple MOAX Automated Trader
This is the latest addition to the automated trading systems in the Apple Auto Trader service. The MOAX system has been in production for over 6 months, after being in test for more than 2 years.
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