Adam Sharp - Comments
Founder at Early Investing
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Adam Sharp is the Founder of Early Investing, a new website and e-letter focused on equity crowdfunding. He is an active investor in more than 20 startups, including Navdy, Upcounsel, Cabify, Faraday Bikes, Addy and Respondly. A former financial advisor, he also has extensive experience in ...more
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Top 3 Tools To Research And Track Startup Investments
8 years ago

I don't have too much experience from the fundraising side, but here goes.

Your AngelList profile looks good Boaz, but I'd add some traction #s and a deck. Also, they have a bunch of useful search features to find investors:

There's also this old adage: "if you want advice from a VC, ask for money. If you want money, ask for advice".


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